Do you have an idea for a book but don't know where to start?
Are you struggling to structure your book?
Are you a scholar, an expert in your field or an activist who wants to shift writing styles to reach a broader audience?
Do you need guidance to turn your idea into a reader-focused book concept and prepare a compelling proposal you can pitch to agents and publishers?
Do you need accountability and encouragement to sustain your writing momentum?
Are you confused about the paths to publishing available for your nonfiction book or memoir?
Wherever you are on your creative journey,
I can help you!
I am an Author Accelerator-certified Nonfiction and Memoir Book Coach.
My Book Vision process builds on my experience as a book coach, journalist, editor, and author.
I support writers at all stages of their book writing process, with a special focus on:
Turning a book idea into a marketable book concept;
Developing a compelling and polished book proposal;
Maintaining writing momentum.
WORK with me
You have an idea for a book but you're unsure if it's worth pursuing and need more information before committing to your project. Or perhaps you want to try out working with a coach. During the call, we'll examine your objectives, the message you want to convey, and explore the writing process to give you clarity.
Price US$190
I provide ongoing guidance and support to help you progress at your own pace through your creative journey. Depending on your needs, I help you identify your goals; gain clarity on the main message of your book and its target audience; structure the content of your book; develop a polished proposal; and keep on track during the writing process.
Price: US$600/month
Includes: two deadlines for submission per month; written editorial feedback; two private coaching calls.
If you want to kick start your book project with a total immersion experience, a VIP day is for you. We'll work together for an entire day dedicated to fine-tuning your ideas and outlining your book to give you a clear sense of direction.
Price: US$ 1,250
Includes: pre-coaching materials and intensive one-day coaching (three sessions and pause for lunch).