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  • Do you have an idea for a book but don't know where to start?

  • Are you struggling to structure your book?

  • Are you a scholar, an expert in your field or an activist who wants to shift writing styles to reach a broader audience?

  • Do you need guidance to turn your idea into a reader-focused book concept and prepare a compelling proposal you can pitch to agents and publishers?

  • Do you need accountability and encouragement to  sustain your writing momentum?

  • Are you confused about the paths to publishing available for your nonfiction book or memoir?

Wherever you are on your creative journey,

I can help you!

I am an Author Accelerator-certified Nonfiction and Memoir Book Coach.

My Book Vision process builds on my experience as a book coach, journalist, editor, and author.

Author Accelerator NONFICTION certification badge

I support writers at all stages of their book writing process, with a special focus on:

  • Turning a book idea into a marketable book concept;

  • Developing a compelling and polished book proposal;

  • Maintaining writing momentum.

WORK with me


You have an idea for a book but you're unsure if it's worth pursuing and need more information before committing to your project. Or perhaps you want to try out working with a coach. During the call, we'll examine your objectives, the message you want to convey, and explore the writing process to give you clarity.  

Price US$190

Ongoin coaching
writer at work image

I provide ongoing guidance and support to help you progress at your own pace through your creative journey. Depending on your needs, I help you identify your goals; gain clarity on the main message of your book and its target audience; structure the content of your book; develop a polished proposal; and keep on track during the writing process.

Price: US$600/month

Includes: two deadlines for submission per month; written editorial feedback; two private coaching calls.


If you want to kick start your book project with a total immersion experience, a VIP day is for you. We'll work together for an entire day dedicated to fine-tuning your ideas and outlining your book to give you a clear sense of direction.

Price: US$ 1,250

Includes: pre-coaching materials and intensive one-day coaching (three sessions and pause for lunch).


Join a small cohort of fellow writers and benefit from the group's energy. During twice monthly coaching calls (90 minutes), I provide guidance and answer questions. Members also have access to group discussions.

Price: US$ 275/month

(minimum 3 months commitment)

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